Kulia E Loa’a Ka Na’auao “Strive to Obtain Wisdom”
What's going on
We have several options to provide donations for Maui Relief:
Contact us & to use a credit card and we’ll run your card in SQUARE (extra fees apply)
Contact us & we’ll send you a Zelle QR code (no extra fees)
LVHCC has converted our Club Donor item to a “Maui Relief Allocation.” This allocation will enable LVHCC to provide donations to credible organizations focused on full support for folks on Maui and for support occurring here in Las Vegas by organizations working to assist the Maui relief effort.
100% of what we receive will be provided for Maui Relief–we keep none of it.
To help the Lahaina and Maui Fire victims and survivors more directly click the Maui icon above.
The links that will come up are reputable locations from bona fide news reporting and trusted and knowledgeable sources (though as always, please be mindful of where you donate and try to give only to vetted organizations at trustworthy sites).
150th Anniversary of King Kamehameha Day (11 Jun 22). Link to the video; Mahalo nui loa to Little Grass Shack for filming and bringing the video together!
Scholarship News
Our annual Founder’s Scholarship application period has closed as of 3 February. We will begin the judging process for an eventual award of two $750 scholarship in the near future.
The Kamehameha Schools Ho’omaka’ika’i Exploration Camp application period opened 2 January 2025! Click on the “Scholarships” icon above and select “Kamehameha Schools Ho’omaka’ika’i Exploration” to find the link to apply to Kamehameha Schools–LVHCC’s KSHE Grant will open in February for applications (we will have three $500.00 grants available).
Tuition Assistance Update
Our partnership with both the Northwest Career College (NCC) and Grand Canyon University (GCU) are going strong! Native Hawaiians in the Las Vegas area have access to $2000 in tuition reduction at many of the degrees offered by NCC. LVHCC Members attending GCU are offered a 10% discount off tuition as well. Click on the “Scholarships” icon above and then scroll down to the “Las Vegas Related Opportunities” to see the lates
Maui Ikaika Mau Loa (Maui Forever Strong)
LVHCC continues working to support ongoing efforts and Kokua from a number of organizations and Congressional Offices.
We’ll be forwarding updates via social media and by email to let everyone know the latest as we get it.
In total we have collected $3,050 so far! We have presented two donations totaling $1000: Camp Maluhia & the Lahaina Hawaiian Civic Club. More to follow on other organizations!
But it’s not over; we’re in this for the long haul. We respectfully request your Kokua to continue donations so we can help where we can. Remember: 100% of the donations that come in go to those in need. Mahalo nui loa to everyone who has donated so far!
66th Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Annual Convention
The Convention will be held on Moku ‘o Keawe; details below.
Convention details
- When: New Dates 26 Oct-2 Nov
- Where: Outrigger Kona Resort and Spa on Moku ‘o Keawe
For further information checkout the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Convention webpage here
We’ll be starting planning for three events this year in the near future. First, our 9th Annual Business ‘Aha’aina Makahiki, 5th Annual Health Expo, and our 32nd Ho’olaule’a (mid-October). More details to follow on locations, dates, and all the rest; stay tuned!
9th Annual Business ‘Aha’aina Makahiki
We are continuing this long running event to bring together local small businesses to network, present a short layout of who they are/what they do, and review the year’s calendar to see where events will be occurring and how to best optimize attendees.
More info on location and dates to follow as we develop the events
He Alo a He Alo — Papa Ola Lokahi
LVHCC is developing several sessions in Las Vegas in 2025 to support Papa Ola Lokahi with their Listening Tour to engage with Native Hawaiians living across the United States with several sessions here in Las Vegas in 2025. The tour will invite participants to talk story and share perspectives on what it means to be Hawaiian, and the advantages and challenges to maintaining their cultural identity on the continent.
Na Lei Makalapua (the Mainland Council of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs has a new website; click on the link at the top right of this page to check out their new site!
LVHCC has partnered with the Henderson Silver Knights for a scholarship fundraiser on 22 March! A portion of all tickets sold will come to LVHCC and 1500 Hawaiian Shirts are available if you use this link to purchase a ticket:

Henderson Silver Knights Hawaiian Shirt giveaway if you use the ticket link above the game poster above

LVHCC has partnered with the Las Vegas Desert Dogs Lacrosse Team for a scholarship fundraiser on 6 April! A portion of all tickets sold will come to LVHCC for our scholarship program if you use this link: