Early 1917, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana’ole, while a delegate in Congress from Hawaii, wondered about the future growth of Hawaii and its people. His concerns were deep seated and he wanted Hawaiians to be educated. He wanted them to elevate themselves. He wanted to instill the need to promote the economic, intellectual, social status and well-being of the Hawaiian community. Prince Kuhio wanted to see Hawaii’s culture be forever preserved.
To that end, Prince Kuhio called together a group of seven very close friends, who met at his home in Waikiki. He expressed his hopes and concerns with them, what he was trying to accomplish. He indicated to them that before he returned to Washington, D.C., he wanted to commence the forming of a group for the Hawaiian people-the young and old-all of them. His goal was to help the Hawaiian people elevate and promote their social, economic, civic and intellectual status, while promoting the principles of good government. Relying on the legal minds and expertise of his group, Prince Kuhio requested and received the preparation of and submittal to him–after developing the Hawaiian Civic movement effort–the first Articles of Incorporation of the first Hawaiian Civic Club. The documents were approved by all seven members of this group and it reflected the deep respect each had for the other and their own partisan political beliefs and each other’s religious beliefs. Therefore, the Hawaiian Civic Club, as such, was never too involve itself in partisan politics or sectarian religious differences.
All Hawaiian Civic Clubs that exist today, have stemmed from the original one, the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, which was started by the Founding Fathers, under Prince Kuhio, back on December 6, 1918.
Organized on July 1, 1989 and chartered by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs on July 28, 1989.
Club Pua (Flower): Carnation and Ohai Ali’i
Club Colors: Red and Gold
Club Motto (‘Olelo Hawai’i): Kulia E Loa’a Ka Na’auao
Club Motto (English): Strive to obtain wisdom
Club Song: He Hawai’i Au (by Ron Rosha & Peter Moon)