Abigail Kawānanakoa Kupuna Kako'o Scholarship
In Partnership with the Kawānanakoa Trust

This scholarship was created to assist our Kupuna (our Elders) quality of life. Our beloved Kupuna are cherished for their wisdom, grace and love for our people. They are the pillars of our Lāhui (community) near and far, and have continued to pave the way for us all.
Throughout her life, Princess Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawānanakoa was a personal supporter of the preservation of ‘Olele Hawai’i (Native Hawaiian language), culture, and arts. She believed in the importance of the Ali’i (Hawaiian Chiefs and nobility) in preserving Hawaiian culture and traditions.
- LVHCC is able to award up to 3 recipients a $1000 each award for the years 2025-2026
- The 2024 application period is CLOSED
- When the 2025 period opens, please read the eligibility and requirement for submission carefully and ensure your packets are free from errors and are complete; specifically, all supporting attachments must be included
Eligibility (must be)
- A LVHCC Member and / or Resident of Clark County, Nevada
- Age 60 years or older
- Native Hawaiian Ancestry (Preferred) to the extent permitted by law but this is not a restrictive measure or deciding application requirement (open to all to apply)
The Completed Packet should contain the following items:
- Application
- Essay (100-150 Words minimum) identifying how LVHCC can help (see for examples)
- Copy of Current Nevada Driver’s License or Government Identification
- Copy of Birth Certificate to identify if of Native Hawaiian ancestry (preferred)—this is not restrictive & all are welcome to apply
NOTE: The application will remain with the LVHCC Scholarship Committee until judging is completed, documents will then be destroyed and applicants notified to ensure personally identifiable information is secure
When the 2025 application period opens in September 2025, all applications MUST BE POSTMARKED ON OR BEFORE November 15, 2025. Judging will begin one week after the deadline and awardees will be announced in early December for a December 15, 2025 presentation (location to be determined)
If you have questions related to this scholarship they can be directed to the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club Scholarship Committee at lasvegashcc@gmail.com
In an interview with Honolulu Magazine in 2017, Princess Kawānanakoa stated, “We have a rich history, a rich culture, and a rich people. It’s up to us to keep that alive, and it’s up to us to instill it in our young people.” She went on to say that the Ali’i have a responsibility to help preserve Hawaiian culture and promote Hawaiian values. Her philanthropy continues to this day.