The 2025 Board of Directors Election occurred at the November 2024 General Membership Meeting.
On 1 January 2025, the new Board began operations & a Board Retreat occurred on 25 January including an Installation of the new Board
2025 Alaka'i Ho'oholo (Executive Board)

Kalani Heu

Nicole-Rene Petri
Hope Pelekikena Mua
(1st Vice President)

PAtrick Filbert
Hope Pelekekina 'Elua
(2nd Vice President)

Kākau ‘Olelo Ho’opa’a

Papa Ho'oholo (Board of Directors)

Debra Chock
Na Alaka'i (Director)

Maggie Perry
Na Alaka'i (Director)

Pa'ahana Bissen
Na Alaka'i (Director)

Kehau Bryce
Na Lei Makalapua Koho Mua
(Mainland Council Representative)

Gail Wright
Ho'opa'a Mo'olelo

Ellen Nakamura
Na Alaka’i (Director)

Doreen Hall Vann
Pelekikena ‘Iho Nei (Immediate Past President)
The 2024 Directors & Officers for the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club. Not pictured is Na Alaka’i Debra Chock or Hoʻopaʻa Moʻolelo (Historian) Gail Wright

The Executive Officers and Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Hawaiian Civic Club would like to pay tribute to and show our appreciation to our past Presidents who served our Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Community.
Wayne Panoke, five years, 1989 to 1994
Herbie Watson, one year, 1995
Art Wooters, one year, 1996
Pauline Clark, two years, 1997 to 1998
Oni Onekea, one year, 1999
Jeff Pagan, two years, 2000 to 2001
Teri Keli’iheleua, two years, 2002 to 2003
Helene Pierce, two years, 2004 to 2005
Lehua Vincent, two years, 2006 to 2007
Charles Herring, two years, 2008 to 2009
Tamar Hoapili, two years, 2010 to 2011
Vincent Iokimo Souza, one year, 2012
Tieri Pa’ahana Bissen, four years, 2013 to 2016
Dorinda Puanani Burnet, four years, 2017 to 2020
Doreen M. Hall, two years, 2021-2022
James Kalani Heu, 2023-present